Day 93 Life Lesson: Even little boys need a spa day. (Or 20 minutes.)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Day 92
Bus stop buddies. Alana. "Good Morning, Mrs. Hancock." A brisk morning walk. Waving at the neighbors. Walking and talking with Kyle. Waving to JY through the bus window.
All the things I missed this morning.
It's a new day. Coop got on the bus 25 minutes earlier this morning (7am) at the end of the driveway. He is loving the personal service. Kyle got to sleep in 20 minutes longer. I gave him a ride to school. He, too, is loving the personal service. Cam had to get up early. Really, really, early. He did not like anything about it.
I spent way more time in the van than usual. Living on the east end of the metropolis when all your activities are on the west end makes for lots of travel time for the transportation director. The great thing about being on the east end of town is that I am closer to Target. I really like that.
A new day.
Day 92 Life Lesson: Sleeping on the floor can be fun.
All the things I missed this morning.
It's a new day. Coop got on the bus 25 minutes earlier this morning (7am) at the end of the driveway. He is loving the personal service. Kyle got to sleep in 20 minutes longer. I gave him a ride to school. He, too, is loving the personal service. Cam had to get up early. Really, really, early. He did not like anything about it.
I spent way more time in the van than usual. Living on the east end of the metropolis when all your activities are on the west end makes for lots of travel time for the transportation director. The great thing about being on the east end of town is that I am closer to Target. I really like that.
A new day.
Day 92 Life Lesson: Sleeping on the floor can be fun.
One Door Closes, Another Opens
Phew, what a weekend. Corey and I are exhausted. The boys are doing great. We had a great cast of characters helping us lift things no humans should lift, clean things not even Mike Rowe should clean, and pack things that shouldn't be packed. My in-laws slaved away doing whatever we needed all weekend. Deb wandered down the street to clean all day on Sunday. Mark, Gary, Russ and Adam helped with all the super heavy lifting. Coop and Kyle loaded whatever they could carry. Cam played with his cars in the empty rooms. And Corey and I tried not to make eye contact all weekend because when we did, the tears started flowing.
After filling 4 dumpsters, we had to start burying things in the backyard. Is that wrong? All of our things are in two, count 'em, TWO, storage buildings but everything that matters is right here with us - 3 resilient boys and a super amazing husband.
After filling 4 dumpsters, we had to start burying things in the backyard. Is that wrong? All of our things are in two, count 'em, TWO, storage buildings but everything that matters is right here with us - 3 resilient boys and a super amazing husband.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day 91
Who can confirm that? I guess I'll wait for the 100th day of school party and then I will know.
Well, I am a bit emotional these days. On Wednesday, I was driving down the highway and burst into tears. No sad song, no dead kitty in the road, just the thought of change. I don't handle it well. Surprisingly though, I didn't cry at either bus stop this morning.
Kyle waving goodbye to the house for the very last time before we head to the bus stop.
My very favorite bus stop buddies. I will miss teasing the kids and having them look at me like I am a fruitcake. I will miss talking classrooms with Kitty and football with Chris. And Aurora? Well, I'll just miss saying her name. Such a great name.
Coop with his peeps at the bus stop. Sorry guys that we can't hang out in the van any more on cold mornings. I should have taken a picture of Alana, the Edward Jones lady who pulls up every morning to go to work. We chit chat while she walks across the street to her office, not once this winter has she had a coat on. We give her a hard time about that.
Last night in the house. Coop's room has become the mattress storage room but he'll have to park himself on the floor.
Kyle and Cameron share a room for one last night.
Ahhh, the finality of it all.
Day 91 Life Lesson: It's hard to say goodbye.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Day 87... I think
So, this is a very, very brief synopsis of the last week. I really should be packing boxes and putting them into the van but for posterity I will work on this blog. There could be a little peer pressure coming in to play, as well. You know who you are.
We have spent a lot of time at Menards in the past few weeks so to make it interesting I have to let the boys play hide and seek in the light fixture section and sit on the ATVs. They also like to watch the paint shaking away in the paint can blender. They even made a new friend, Christian, who works behind the paint counter.
On Saturday night, we had to attend the Chamber Banquet as guests of Benchmark. I was really dreading going but had a fantastic evening dining with Corey's really fun colleagues (and their wives) and spending one last night with my parents before they left for the winter AND reconnecting with lots of old friends I hadn't seen in ages. My Virtual School friend, BW, and I had a lively conversation about our days working together. It was so great to see everyone. I am glad I had Corey take a photo with BW even though I look 6 months pregnant.
Before I went to the dinner, I had some assistance from my fashion assistant, Snaps. No, not Cameron, although you might think that from the picture. Snaps ladied me up with some bling and a jackety thing that makes my girls look huge (I love that) and also a little fancy purse thing with a long, annoying chain. Apparently, a waist pack wouldn't be appropriate for such an event. I wasn't allowed to wear my moon boots, either. Come on!
Now, about Cameron. As I was getting some fashion tips he started digging through my jewelry box and before I knew it Cooper had dressed him in a tank top and accessorized him. Wow! Talk about freakin' out your husband (and father-in-law). Corey could not deal with it. I finally had to tell him to get over it. I just love the bruised legs and white socks.
Lessons Learned While Working on a House:
It's all about your perspective.
Things look better in the light.
Watch your step.
It's only paint.
We have spent a lot of time at Menards in the past few weeks so to make it interesting I have to let the boys play hide and seek in the light fixture section and sit on the ATVs. They also like to watch the paint shaking away in the paint can blender. They even made a new friend, Christian, who works behind the paint counter.
These are my handy dandy milk jug carriers. We were a little giddy after a long day and got a little silly.
On Saturday night, we had to attend the Chamber Banquet as guests of Benchmark. I was really dreading going but had a fantastic evening dining with Corey's really fun colleagues (and their wives) and spending one last night with my parents before they left for the winter AND reconnecting with lots of old friends I hadn't seen in ages. My Virtual School friend, BW, and I had a lively conversation about our days working together. It was so great to see everyone. I am glad I had Corey take a photo with BW even though I look 6 months pregnant.
Before I went to the dinner, I had some assistance from my fashion assistant, Snaps. No, not Cameron, although you might think that from the picture. Snaps ladied me up with some bling and a jackety thing that makes my girls look huge (I love that) and also a little fancy purse thing with a long, annoying chain. Apparently, a waist pack wouldn't be appropriate for such an event. I wasn't allowed to wear my moon boots, either. Come on!
Now, about Cameron. As I was getting some fashion tips he started digging through my jewelry box and before I knew it Cooper had dressed him in a tank top and accessorized him. Wow! Talk about freakin' out your husband (and father-in-law). Corey could not deal with it. I finally had to tell him to get over it. I just love the bruised legs and white socks.
Lessons Learned While Working on a House:
It's all about your perspective.
Things look better in the light.
Watch your step.
It's only paint.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 82
I wonder if it really is the 82nd day of school.
We have had lots of tasks to do related to our new house. It's very exciting but sometimes the boys just get tired of all the running around. They were super great sports on Friday and helped me get all kinds of items at Menards, including a giant vanity top which will be for their bathroom. The vanity top is normally $260, I almost bought it yesterday when I saw it for $169 but the Crazy Days Sale today put it at $99. Suh-weet!
Cameron had his first Speech Therapy appointment today. I am very confident he will be able to "lood doh bad habit and talk better loon."
Coop came home today and announced very crabbily that they ran out of hot lunch at school and he had a cheese stick. 7 other kids also had their choice of pretzels, canned peaches and cheese sticks. Hmmm, 4th time this school year. I am on a mission to let everyone and their mother know that this is happening. I sent emails and made phone calls to people I hope can help. It is a definitely possibility that I am about to get a red "x" by my name but I don't care. I look forward to the replies I may or may not get from the principal, the nutrition director, the food service director and the superintendent. Yeah, that x is definitely coming.
Day 82 Life Lesson: If at first you don't succeed, cry, cry, again. Uh, I mean, TRY, try, again.
P.S. Thanks for breakfast, Snaps.
I have been on my own with the boys since Thursday morning. Corey is gone fishin'. I stress FISHING. There is a reason they don't call it CATCHING.
Cameron had his first Speech Therapy appointment today. I am very confident he will be able to "lood doh bad habit and talk better loon."
Coop came home today and announced very crabbily that they ran out of hot lunch at school and he had a cheese stick. 7 other kids also had their choice of pretzels, canned peaches and cheese sticks. Hmmm, 4th time this school year. I am on a mission to let everyone and their mother know that this is happening. I sent emails and made phone calls to people I hope can help. It is a definitely possibility that I am about to get a red "x" by my name but I don't care. I look forward to the replies I may or may not get from the principal, the nutrition director, the food service director and the superintendent. Yeah, that x is definitely coming.
Day 82 Life Lesson: If at first you don't succeed, cry, cry, again. Uh, I mean, TRY, try, again.
P.S. Thanks for breakfast, Snaps.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 81
Late start. How nice. A snow day is much more fun. But a 2 hour delay is nice because everyone can sleep in. Unless you are a parent who is trying to raise responsible sons and their alarm clocks go off BEFORE the call comes. Seriously?! Have you ever tried to get a 7 and a 10 year old back to sleep after they have been shocked into consciousness by an obnoxious beep? It ain't happnin'. Maybe I can call the SuperHannon at 3am and share my frustration.
I did, however, go back to bed and listened to the beep and bang of the microwave hoping it wasn't Cameron cooking a hot dog for 6 minutes... again. I can still smell that thing. Anyway, after a brief case of the screamin' meemies, everyone was on their way and Cam and I had a fine day running errands and going out for lunch. We returned just before Kyle got off the bus. Phew! It was a busy day.
Day 81 Life Lesson: Don't wait for fun to come to you, go to it.
I did, however, go back to bed and listened to the beep and bang of the microwave hoping it wasn't Cameron cooking a hot dog for 6 minutes... again. I can still smell that thing. Anyway, after a brief case of the screamin' meemies, everyone was on their way and Cam and I had a fine day running errands and going out for lunch. We returned just before Kyle got off the bus. Phew! It was a busy day.
Day 81 Life Lesson: Don't wait for fun to come to you, go to it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 79
January 10, 2012. 55 degrees. Another record-setting day and another trip to the park.
On Friday, Cameron is going to "leet lerapy". How sad. He can't even say it. I look forward to the day when he graduates from SPeeCH THerapy. And he can say it.
Day 79 Life Lesson: Things are not always as they seem.
Pinewood Derby Weekend
The Pinewood Derby. Cooper's 3rd, Kyle's 1st. It's always fun but even that much funner with a friend. Is funner a word?
Try to focus on the pants and not the games they are playing. It's exciting to go visit our new house and check the progress but the boys always come back full of dry wall dust.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day 76
January 5th. 50 degrees. A good reason to meet friends at a park. No coats necessary.
Cub Scouts tonight. Coop was very excited to tell me about the air nailer he got to use.
It made a "poof" sound. He is getting quite "decorated".
Day 76 Life Lesson: Playing at the park with no coat, in January, makes for three happy boys.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 74
Christmas break is over. No one is happier than me. Okay, Cooper is, but you already knew that.
This is the last month we will be in our house. I'm sure that realization won't hit home until we pull out of the driveway on January 30th. My sentimental self will cry and the boys will look at me funny and wonder why moms are so weird.
Don't get me wrong. Preparing to move into a new house is exciting, even with the prospect of being homeless for several months. I mean, how can you not get excited about choosing your very own flooring, cabinet colors, outlet locations, and toilet sizes. It's a pretty cool problem to have. Next week, it's paint colors. We only have 980 colors to choose from (I did the math.) Piece of cake.
Day 74 Life Lesson: Some problems are really awesome to have.
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