Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Break Day 14

There are few things that warm my heart more than seeing my three sons working together and being kind to each other. On the other hand, it is painful to watch them hit, bite and say mean words to each other. On most days, I only see the mean stuff but today I got to see some precious moments: Kyle and Cooper carrying bags of mulch. Cameron snuggling with his brothers. All the brothers building lincoln log homes and lego structures. Nothing better.
The boys were very excited to go check up on Gizmo, the cat. Being pet-free, they didn't quite get the whole watering, feeding, let the cat out and leave him out thing. I assured them that the cat would be fine outside all day and that someone would be coming to let him back in later in the day. Cameron grabbed the mail and put it somewhere in the house. I hope he put it on the counter. I stole the paper because we don't get one. They won't notice. :-)
Another day of sous chefing for me with a bunch of wild teenagers. This is a challenge for me because I do not like the sticky, messy, yuckiness of cooking. The last thing these kids want to do is be neat and clean. So, my shoes are sticky, my shirt is dirty, my hair is full of flour but I am haivng a blast. Can't wait for the big finale on Friday.
Kyle did a great job at teeball. He chased down balls that weren't his to get but he always handed it to the person who was supposed to catch it. How thoughtful of him. And who knew that if you were playing first base you could beat everyone else to a ball in left field. Now that's fast.
The boys picked out dinner options at the grocery store after the game. We had sweet corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, tips and homemade ice cream. Well, we were hoping to have homemade ice cream but it was too soupy to eat. We'll have it for breakfast. Very yummy dinner choices, gentlemen, good work.
Day 14 LIfe Lesson: Freshen the water every now and then.