Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Summer Break Day 59
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Summer Break Day 58
Today, the worst of times.
I don't do clutter well. It sends me into a despicable rage that even embarrasses me. I try really hard to be okay with messes - "they're being creative, they're engaging their brain" - but then the fuse blows. Today the fuse blew loud and I am not proud. I quite possibly was the mommy heard 'round the world.
But, at the end of the day, a conversation with each son, a heartfelt apology, a hug and kiss and finally an eye to eye, " I love you" is what, hopefully, will be embraced. I can only hope that this best of times moment will linger with my three sons more than the worst of times moment. It's all I have, really, to keep me from calling it quits.
Day 58 Life Lesson: At the end of the day, make sure they know you love them.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Summer Break Day 57
Day 57 - 2 words - Praise God!
I am so excited for school to start. When I was an elementary student a million years ago I loved the first day of school. I am even more excited for the first day now that I can shoo the boys out the door and into the hands of their trusty teachers. I think I will set my clothes out for the first day at the bus stop. Yeah, I said MY clothes.
Granted, summer for the most part is really great. We go to bed late. (They still get up early.) No homework. No making lunches. No rushing out the door to the bus stop. No picking up kids from school. No after school meltdowns. BUT, I still look forward to sending them out the door come September.
Speaking of meltdowns, Coop has been an emotional wreck this week. Crying, whining, big frustrations over tiny things. I'm thinking this might be new school year anxiety. Lots of unknowns for him and that might be unsettling. Unfortunately, it comes out in a very toddlerish way.
So the countdown begins. 8 days until schools starts. As the song says, "Wake me when September ends."
Day 57 Life Lesson: Meltdowns are ugly at any age.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Mankato Weekend Part 2
Mankato Weekend Part 1
Friday, August 26, 2011
Summer Break Day 56ish
I had super fun girl time at my sister-in-law's baby shower. It was so great to be silly and have girl time.
On another note, our credit card got hacked tonight so I had to cancel it. Bummer.
Day 56 Life Lesson: Girls rule.
Summer Break Day 55
Lif is ever changing, that's a constant. Transitions, milestones, stumbling blocks, forks, speed bumps, yielding, stopping, going, steep hills, scenic views, curves, hairpin turns, slowing down...
Day 55 Life Lesson: "Change is inevitable, growth is optional."
Summer Break Day 54
Day 54 Life Lesson: Accept the things you cannot change...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Summer Break Day 53
On a similar train, I was thinking today about how frustrated I have been with sons who want, want, want but don't want to do, do, do. Does frustration mean ungrateful? Not to me, but maybe to them.
Processing... processing...
Day 53 Life Lesson: "My failure might be a comment on my ability but not on my value."
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Summer Break Day 52
Coop was a great sport the whole trip considering he had a bad cold and cough. Way to hang in there, son.
Boys, when you look back at this blog know that I am so very, very proud of you. You done good!
There is something so settling and wonderful about looking through your bug splattered windshield, after a time away, and seeing your home on the horizon that causes a grateful sigh to burst from your soul.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wild Animal Weekend Part 1
Those are two pretty wild animals on the couch, right? Cam is snuggling with Herbie Hancock who I commonly refer to as Herbert. My niece and nephew don't appreciate that and correct my often. What can I say, I like to give animals and people nicknames.
I found with our visit to the Cincinnati Zoo that kids LOVE looking at animals, insects, and reptiles, oh my. Kids just think a zoo is the coolest thing ever. When the day was over I asked Cam what his favorite part of the day was and he said, as only Cam can, "Everyling."
Summer Break Day 51
Summer Break Day 50
Corey likes to get the kids wound up. The moms don't like it but the kids do :-) We are having a super great time being away from the stresses of home. The boys miss their toys but the cousins are great at sharing.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Summer Break Day 49
Cameron latched onto Uncle Jason to have him read a spirited version of a Cars book. Way to go, Uncle Jason.
Finally, my pageant dreams have come true. My niece crowned me Queen. It was a very emotional moment and honestly I still get teary eyed talking about it. I may never take the crown off my head.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Summer Break Day 48
Summer Break Day 47
Dam Weekend

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Summer Break Day 46

The last day of Camp Invention. Phew! It was a lot of fun but also a great learning experience for Coop. We are so proud of him for hanging in there and doing his best. I think he had a really great week even though it was exhausting.
On another scary note, Cameron has graduated out of his car seat and into the much less confining booster seat. It is a very hard day for me. I can no longer confine the boy to his car seat. He has his freedom back and I have lost all control. (Big sigh!) Cooper has also graduated out of his booster. Wow! That happened really fast. I can still remember carrying Coop around in his baby seat. (Another big sigh...)
Summer Break Day 45

Kyle played frisbee with Marcus while waiting for the pizza.

Day 45 Life Lesson: Want less, do more.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Summer Break Day 44
Summer Break Day 43
Monday, August 8, 2011
Summer Break Day 42
Coop went to Camp Invention today. It is so peaceful when one son is away for the day. I took the little brothers to the park. We played tag. Man, am I slow and old. It was demoralizing. How can I not catch a 4 year old and a 6 year old?
We made fun snacks. Bananas dipped in yogurt then rolled in frosted flakes. We put them in the freezer and they were so yummy when we ate them for a snack later in the day. We also made pretzel stick kabobs with cheese cubes, deli bites, and grapes. Playing with food is fun.
Day 42 Life Lesson: Run, Forrest, Run...
Resurfacing Weekend
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Summer Break Day 41
Friday, August 5, 2011
Summer Break Day 40
Day 40 Life Lesson: Enjoy the view.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Summer Break Day 39
Summer Break Day 38
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Summer Break Day 37
I did have a good time hanging with my friend on the golf course for extended girl time. We golfed horribly, lost a lot of balls, got really stinky sweaty, but it was SO much fun. I know, its crazy, isn't it? And LB parred the last 2 holes and I mulligan parred the last one so now we think we like the game and might actually be able to conquer it so we'll play again on Thursday. That's even crazier.
Should I be worried that my 6 year old came up to me last night and in his most sarcastic, sassy voice asked, "Really mom? Really? You leave my room, tell me you'll be right back and then you don't come back? Really mom?" It's about the tone for me. Granted, he was absolutely right. I do this all the time. I say something but then I get distracted and often don't do what I said I was going to do. Women are supposed to be good at multi-tasking but I am not. Last night was all about the whole "what goes around comes around" thing because it was my sassy, sarcastic voice coming right back at me. Ouch!
However, my voice also came back to me in my 4 year old when he said to LB and I as we went off to golf, "Don't have too 'mut' fun 'witout' me, okay? And you two be good 'littners'." Now that's redemption. The good stuff coming right back 'atcha. I think I'll just hold onto that one. It will make me think I can conquer this mothering thing and I'll come back for another day.
Day 37 Life Lesson: What goes around comes around so be careful what you put out there.