Grace's first day of school. We walked her down to the end of the driveway to wait for the bus. After 6 days, it looks like everyone still likes each other. The bus finally arrived at 8:15 and we drove off right behind it.
Coop was a great sport the whole trip considering he had a bad cold and cough. Way to hang in there, son.
Now that the trip is over, I am just giddy with gratitude. We arrived home 12 hours later after 1 rest stop, 1 gas stop, and 1 Cold Stone Creamery stop. The boys were incredibly patient. Thank you honey for getting us home safely.
As we walked into the house, Kyle burst into tears. I scooped him up like a lost kitty and held him tight. It's not easy to hug Kyle. Have you ever hugged a straw? It's a lot like that. He told me between his big sobs that he wanted to go back. He had a really great time being with his cousins and doing lots of fun things.
I could have burst into tears, too, but for a different reason. I learned something about myself this past week. You have to walk through the puddles, not around them. My stomach has been a wreck for several months and this past week was no different. The first night was spent on the bathroom floor. The days that followed were better but I still had many long stretches of quiet misery wondering if an embarrassing event might occur. Most importantly though, I plowed, stomped, skipped, kicked and screamed, right through it. And I will continue to do it. Because I can.
Boys, when you look back at this blog know that I am so very, very proud of you. You done good!
Boys, when you look back at this blog know that I am so very, very proud of you. You done good!
There is something so settling and wonderful about looking through your bug splattered windshield, after a time away, and seeing your home on the horizon that causes a grateful sigh to burst from your soul.
Day 52 Life Lesson: There is NO PLACE like home. No place.