Apparently I am ignoring yesterday's lesson.
It was a big day for the little brothers. Ky and Cam went to Tap and Jazz for Kids while Coop was at karate. I must admit that never in my 10 years of having my three sons did I think I would spend so much time at a dance studio. Last week when we were registering Coop for his class, the little brothers asked if they could go to a class. So today was day one and I peeked in a few times to see big smiles and happy feet. God bless that instructor who was trying to control 30 tapping shoes and 15 rambunctious youngsters. I am convinced the instructor is being hazed. Why else would you put a new teacher with a challenge like that? Definitely hazing going on.

I had the pleasure of being greeted by a cute little waiter this morning while I was watching GMA. I think the boy might have a career in serving others.

Yet another tooth pulling today. I decided that if a tooth is so loose that it is perpendicular to the adjacent tooth then it needs to come out. Kyle finds it most productive to have me sit on the tub and watch him while he lays on the floor. Whatever works. That reminds me, I better go check with the tooth fairy. Kyle told me that you have to be careful about putting things under your pillow because the tooth fairy will take it. He put a car under his pillow a while back and the car was gone in the morning. That's so hilarious.

It's such a relief when number one comes home happy. He is what my friend Snaps calls the "alpha child". I hate to think that he has that much control over all of our attitudes but it's true. Today when he got off the bus he took Cam for a ride in his "bus". Ahhhh, life is good.
Day "Leden" Life Lesson: No one can control your attitude but you.