Sunday, July 31, 2011
Girls Weekend Woohoo
Summer Break Day 36
I packed the boys and Corey for camping and shipped them off to Clear Lake, Iowa, for the weekend. Then I went shopping for some deals and left town around 5 for my girls' weekend at Star Hill Ranch, Resort and Casino. Truth be told, there is no resort or casino but it is a ranch. It's my friend's ranch and I love spending the weekend there. Pictures from the weekend on the next post...
Day 36 Life Lesson: It's hard to say goodbye but it's awesome to say hello.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer Break Day 35
Day 35 Life Lesson: When babysitting, always keep an eye on the 4 year old.
Summer Break Day 33 & 34
A recent study found that cell phones do not increase the risk of brain tumors in children. Ohhh-kaaay? I mean, really, who is doing these studies and how are they gathering this information? Are children sitting in a white room somewhere with phones duct-taped to their heads? I don't get it.
Day 33 & 34 Life Lesson: You might be happier if you never turned the TV on again.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Summer Break Day 32
Okay, the summer is getting long and I have nothing to say. Let's see, maybe I could just make something up. Here's something exciting: I took Kyle to see Dr. Kelly and found out that the disgusting sore on his toe is a wart. Kyle had no interest in getting it frozen off with the giant nitrous oxide tank so we are putting Compund W bandaids on it. Probably for the next year. Okay, maybe not that long. We'll see.
Day 32 Life Lesson: If your sister-in-law tells you it's a wart, don't bother seeing a doctor. She's always right.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Summer Break Day 30 & 31
Life Lessons: Even if you're scared, try it anyway.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Summer Break Day 27, 28 & 29

Sunday, July 17, 2011
World Cup Weekend
Friday, July 15, 2011
Summer Break Day 26
I went to Zookeeper with my friend Snaps. Super dumb but still great to get out.
When I exited the theater there was a big ole rainbow in the sky.Day 26 Life Lesson: Don't finish the race on the wrong horse.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Summer Break Day 25
Golf day today. I shot a 50, which is really good for me and golfing well makes for a really fun night.
Day 25 Life Lesson: Hitting straight makes life great.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Summer Break Day 24
Cam wouldn't go with his swimming class today and Coop's instructor let him go under water and he took in water so he isn't going back.
Alrighty then.
On a more positive note I took the boys around the small lake tonight. Coop and I walked and the little brothers scootered. Other than Cam running people off the path because he has no clue about road rules it went fairly smoothly. We started to go around again but Ky wiped out so we called it a night.
Day 24 Life Lesson: If you don't make waves, no one will know you're in the water.
Summer Break Day 23
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer Break Day 22
Huh? Cam has been on the loose again.
Day 22 Life Lesson: Some times you find gems in unexpected places and in unexpected people.
Karate Weekend
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Summer Break Day 21
Short visit to the pool earlier in the day. My favorite godchild came along. Okay, my ONLY godchild. I couldn't tell if she was having fun or just tolerating politely all the small children hanging on her. In any case, I love it when she hangs out with us.
Day 21 Life Lesson: Fall down 6 times get up 7.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Summer Break Day 20
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Summer Break Day 19
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Break Day 18
We took another trip to the pool this afternoon. Megan and Makayla joined us again. O and C were there so all the cousins had lots of fun together.
Kyle had a game tonight. It's really fun watching him. He loves baseball.
Corey got stuck installing a new garage door opener today. He spent most of the day on it. Not fun for your last vacation day. I'm so thankful to be rid of that Genie. It can go back in its bottle.
Day 18 Life Lesson: Be careful what you wish for.
4th of July Weekend Part Two
We ventured off to a super fun party Monday night. Coop and Cam had a blast hanging on for dear life in the back of a four-wheeler and I had a nervous breakdown watching. Kyle passed on the riding. Mike and Laurie have a vineyard on their property so it was very educational to get a tour. Grapes can be very interesting. Who knew? I hung out with a bunch of strangers who turned out to be a bit drunk and slap happy. The evening ended with amazing backyard fireworks. Very impressive, Mike! The boys want to go back again - today.