Nothing better on a hot summer day than the pool. We took some cousins along with us. A great time was had by all.

I love it when Coop volunteers to make dinner. He goes all out. He makes the table fancy, he whips up dips and salads. It is a real treat. Today's theme was patriotic, of course. He made a red, white and blue sauce (ketchup and ranch dressing in a blue bowl). He made chicken sausages, toasted french bread, favorite noodles (pasta and tomato soup) and my personal favorite, "veteran vegetables" (peas). He thoroughly enjoyed bossing all his sous chefs around but always said please. At one point I told him he was making me look bad and he said I was doing "just fine". How nice of him. And how about that patriotic fruit bowl - strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. Yum! Before we ate, Cooper said we had to stand up and say the pledge of allegiance to the flag in the center of the table. The brothers praised him through the whole meal. We all agreed it was a really great night.

Uh, yeah, who takes a dictionary along on a fishing trip so they have something to d0? However, the weird thing is that it was Cameron who brought the dictionary along. It's like his blankie or something. He can't leave home without it.

On Saturday, we took the boat out for about 4 minutes. Okay, more like 2 hours but it should have been 4 minutes. We went to Bartlett Lake (by the airport) hoping to catch some fish and have a good time out on the water. Not so much. But check out that picture, doesn't it actually look like we are having fun? In reality, Corey and I were screaming every 3 seconds for the boys to stop whining. I think I threatened several times to throw the next complainer in the water if they didn't zip it.
Okay, this is not what I had in mind when I suggested we have poker night. Yes, there are cards on that blanket but where is the enthusiasm, people?