Had a super fun girls weekend at Cathy's ranch. Cathy has 9 horses. Needless to say, there was a lot of horsing around. What can be better for the soul than some girl time? We went to a horse show on Saturday and learned that horse moms can be scary. You don't want to mess with horse moms. They can be really mean and they cuss like construction workers.
It was fun to do some announcing at the show since I am normally quite shy around strangers. Yeah, right. It was really cool to see the 3 year old riding the horse around the poles. So cute! I also learned that horse shows have more bling than Hollywood Boulevard. Shiny belts, stirrups, boots and helmets everywhere.
On Sunday, Cathy and I trekked to Austin where she had choir practice and I had free time. I visited the Spam Museum. Kind of cool. Did some shopping. Found some good deals. The best part was sitting at Caribou Coffee eating and slurping, reading the paper, and being totally anonymous. No one knew me. Sometimes that is really blissful. I enjoyed my time alone I must say.
Tonight, I left Cathy to her mowing and the dragon flies. Another great girls weekend had come to a close. Can't wait to drive around the yard again... in the car.
Back in Winona I went for a walk with Snaps and we got some great evening pictures. This is from the river road.