Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 104

How many days of school are there, anyway?

F-bomb. Dropped it. Plenty. Ashamedly, I have dropped a few frickin and flippins in front of my three sons. Self-control is not my gift.

HOWEVER, when I am in a public place with my three sons I don't want to hear it from other people. Especially not over dinner. Two visits to a local restaurant, two frustrating experiences. Young college guys eating at the booth behind us. Eff this, eff that. Every other word. Like a bunch of construction workers. Actually, I think they were construction workers. I would have bought their lunch to get them to stop but they had already paid. If Cam asks for effin cereal for breakfast, I'm gonna hurt somebody.

Hair cut. Needed one. Desperately. Got one. Now I look like a boy. I expected that. I mean, it's a 13 dollar hair cut. What I didn't expect was the young hair cutter chick complaining about living and working in Winona - to me, her customer. Hmm, I can help with that, if you know what I mean. You don't want to be here? Fine. But don't share that with the person who is keeping you here. She may not come back.

Day 104 Life Lesson: Be careful what you effin wish for.

President's Day

The boys had a fantastic day off idea. They wanted to go to the park in Rushford. I am so thankful that I have three sons who like to be outside. There was no one at the park but us. It was very windy and I was frozen but for my sons I pretended to be super content. By the way, the planner of the parking is not pictured but he was definitely present.

After going to Subway for lunch (they have a Subway in Rushford) we cruised to La Crosse to Chuck E. Cheese? NO! Shenanigans? NO! Why, Myrick Park, of course. There were about 4 other people there and it was about 5 degrees warmer so a great time was had by all of us again.

At the end of the day, the little brothers had swimming lessons. It was a splashing good end to an active day.

Presidential Weekend

Playing around in the kitchen.

I've got the shakes over the shakes. Who would have thought that deciding on a color for the shakes would be so daunting and mind-blowing! Maybe we will put both colors up.

Hormonal girl with an air nailer. Stand back.

I must admit, I told them to go play in the street. We have a dead end next to our house.
Perfect for drawing with chalk.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 101 - for sure

Thanks to Mrs. G. and some sporadic newspaper reading, I can finally confirm that it is Day 101. I had an enjoyable time with Kyle and his other doggy mates as they celebrated the 101st day of school by donning dalmation ears. Very cute.

If you ask Cameron about his day he will tell you it was the "bet day ever." He went to his first swimming lesson at WSU on Monday and when the instructor called his name he burst into tears. So today he kept telling his brothers, "I really, really gared (scared) but I going to be really brave an jump in duh water wit Luke." And off he went... HE DID IT! So darn proud of him. And he looked terrified but... he did it. Unfortunately, I missed this iPhone moment. I forgot my phone at home. Darn!

Day 101 Life Lesson: Even if you're gared, be brave and do it anyway.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day hmmmm...

My number one son is no longer a sleepover virgin. He is at a slumber party with 7 other boys. This begs many questions, mainly, what parent subjects themselves to this sort of torture? Others that come to mind: Will he actually slumber? Will he ever be the same again? Will he ask to have a slumber party at our house? Will I get a call at 3am to come and get him? Why am I so nervous about it? I will have to answer these questions at a later date. For now, I will leave my phone on and by my bedside, hoping it doesn't ring.

Day hmmm... Life Lesson: It's hard to learn lessons when you feel like crap.