Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 101 - for sure

Thanks to Mrs. G. and some sporadic newspaper reading, I can finally confirm that it is Day 101. I had an enjoyable time with Kyle and his other doggy mates as they celebrated the 101st day of school by donning dalmation ears. Very cute.

If you ask Cameron about his day he will tell you it was the "bet day ever." He went to his first swimming lesson at WSU on Monday and when the instructor called his name he burst into tears. So today he kept telling his brothers, "I really, really gared (scared) but I going to be really brave an jump in duh water wit Luke." And off he went... HE DID IT! So darn proud of him. And he looked terrified but... he did it. Unfortunately, I missed this iPhone moment. I forgot my phone at home. Darn!

Day 101 Life Lesson: Even if you're gared, be brave and do it anyway.