Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 36

21 pens/pencils and one chapstick. This is what I found downstairs. My three sons are constantly on me to borrow my pens. Why, you ask? Because they can't find their pens. The writing utensils go to office supply purgatory, I guess. Actually, the pens just walk away. Yeah, that's it. They walk away.

Corey picked up Cooper from his piano lesson. Sort of. Corey rode his bike so they walked themselves and the bike home. Bonding time with dad is good for the boys. Sort of. Sometimes after bonding time they want to build race cars or hammer stuff or go shoot cans or enter a spitting contest. I guess I would be worried if they were girls but since they are boys...

Day 36 Life Lesson: Some day you'll have lots of pens but they won't be nearly as much fun to snuggle with and hug.