Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer Break Day 41

I no longer fear Franklin Street. In fact, I purposely turned onto it twice this week. I love that new stoplight. I think a whole new world has opened up to me. All because of a well-placed, long overdue, arterial. Life is good.

After much research, I have come up with the number one reason NOT to turn on the TV with my three sons in the room. E.D. That's right, erectile dysfunction. If I leave the TV off when my boys are in the room, I will never have to explain erectile dysfuntion to them. That is a really good reason to leave the TV off when they are around.

Speaking of screen time, the picture in this post is Kyle, on the computer, staring at the TV. It's a very proud parenting moment for me.

Day 41 Life Lesson: Take the road less traveled sometimes.