Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Break Day 11

Very relaxing day today. I really get the whole let your kids play video games all day thing. My boys were on computers in separate rooms today at my parent's house and they didn't make a sound all day except when they got hungry or thirsty. It was really quite peaceful. Unfortunately, tomorrow I will have to ban them from screens to keep their addiction from growing. The withdrawal will be torture for all of us. I'll have to rant and rave about readers being leaders and how video game addicts are more inclined to either become serial killers or Bill Gates. They will only hear blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah but I'll feel vindicated by my speech-making. Oh, the joys of parenting the testosterone trio.
Day 11 Life Lesson: A little is just as bad as a lot.